Join Us! There are many ways to Get Involved with Agape

Agape could use your support to grow our capacity to help more women & children. You can help our community by engaging with us in these ways:

Financial support


In – Kind Donations


Financial support

Thanks for your help and prayers over the last 10 years!

Your continued support (or gift) will have a real and immediate impact in the lives of our women and children. A one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift will help our continuing efforts to meet our families’ Program and support needs. Any amount is very helpful: $25-$75/month helps with recurring family expenses and gas cards to keep families moving; $100-$200 helps with utilities; $500 helps with housing and mortgages.

We need a continued stream of income to keep homes running smoothly, kids clothed, cars maintained, and school expenses paid, so our ladies and moms can stay focused on a path of rebuilding their lives.

Please consider helping with our Program Funding, or our Remodel Project.

When you make a donation, you will be able to select where you’d like your donation to be used. Upon donation checkout, you will see a section titled “Use my donation to support”. Using the dropdown list, you may select, “Where it is needed most”, “Program Funding” or “Remodel Project”.

Thank you!
You’ve walked this journey with us for 10 years! Thank you for your prayers and help! Agape has provided “Home, Help, Hope” for over 260 women and children who have been able to live into God’s plan for them. With your continued prayers and support, here’s to 10 more years!

How Your Giving Helps

Program Funding:

The cost to provide life-changing support to 1 family for 1 year is ~ $27,000. We serve, on average, 25 – 30 households/year.
• $10K housing costs, including utilities, internet, insurance, average repairs and maintenance.
• $4k child and youth care, including tutoring and mentoring.
• $4k transportation support.
• $4k education, including reskilling, upskilling, vacation training, budget coaching.
• $5k health and wellness support, including counseling.

Remodel Project:

By the end of 2023, Agape will add 4 transitional housing townhomes to help the increasing number of homeless women and children. We will be remodeling 4 office condos into housing units. The new units will provide homes for up to 8 homeless women-led families and children.


We’ve earned the Gold Transparency Seal from Candid! Check it out here.


Welcome! So glad you popped in on our VOLUNTEER page! So excited to see you!

Without our many, many amazing and generous volunteers sharing their time and talents, we could not do what we do at Agape. Without people like YOU, we could not help all these single women, moms and their children find Home, Help and Hope.

We have several volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer at Agape:

• Volunteer coordinator – lots of fun helping Agape help others
• Receptionist – weekdays, 3-hour shifts, on site
• Yard Maintenance – join a team, all equipment on site, approximately 1 morning a month
• Flower beds – add seasonal color
• Handy Dan / Danielle – help with minor repairs
• Car repair & maintenance
• Welcome home – help make a unit ready for a new family (painting, provisioning, welcoming)
• Agape Kids – Help our Children’s Program Manager, mentor, tutor, and love on Agape kids.
• Children’s Saturday – be an extra caregiver on Saturday Children’s Corner so moms can have free time.
• Family meals – kids on Saturdays and families as needed
• Social Media – be responsible for weekly posts

We would love to hear from you how you’d like to share your time and talents with Agape.

Please click the JOIN button below. It will take you directly to our GivePulse Volunteer platform. Check all the areas that interest you. Fill in the comment box to tell us a little more about yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Agape will be expanding! We are converting 4 office units into 4 living units to house 8 more families! We need LOTS of help. An expected date for this help is November, December 2023 and January, February 2024.

• Demolition
• Experienced painting
• Final installations – hanging blinds, install hardware, hook up washer/dryer, appliances, ceiling fans, etc.
• Set-up / organize – kitchen cabinets, drawers, counters, make beds, bathroom set up, etc.
• Furnish – move in home furnishings

Do you have any other ideas or ways you can help? Please email us!

In – Kind Donations

Personal hygiene items, linens, paper products, cleaning supplies and gift cards for gas, food or medicine are appreciated.

Please fill in your information here to send an email to get started.



    GivePulse is where you can connect with Agape Resource & Assistance Center for potential volunteer opportunities, make a donation, watch for upcoming events, or search for community events.

    Click the “Join” button below to go to our GivePulse Join page.